- A young man apparently gets lost between his parental home in Lower Saxony, Berlin darkrooms and a flat share in Madrid. The clinical chill of the psychiatry reports is juxtaposed with a heart-wrenching diary text that resists being categorised too quickly. The images, too, speak a different language than the diagnosis…
- The shared currywurst with his buddy, Max, abruptly ends the stagnation in which Casper's biography threatens to lose itself. The news from Max is that Casper's screenplay, Bond's Daughter, has apparently been filmed and is now even nominated for the European Film Award in Reykjavik, Iceland, but Casper's name as the a…
- スマートフォン向けゲームアプリ「チェインクロニクル」をテレビアニメ化し、放送に先駆けて劇場で上映するシリーズ全3章のうちの第1章。いくつかの領地に分かれ、それぞれの地に王をいだく最果ての大陸ユグド。各勢力による小競り合いはあるものの、王たちの円卓会議で選ばれた「盟王」により、各地の力関係はバランスを保っていた。しかし、そ…
- Don't dream it, be it: The Act of Killing goes Gender Frenzy. A psychedelically political psychogram of a right-wing transsexual and how he got to be what she is. Or so it seems.
- Un documentario in prima persona, in cui il regista Saeid Shahparnia rivolge la sua attenzione alla bellezza attonita e immortale delle architetture urbane per mettere in relazione la sua vita con la storia di due città: Qazvin, in Iran, dove è nato e cresciuto, e Roma, in cui vive da ormai quindici anni. I temi convoc…
- 主人公文森佐是一个名不见经传的律师,主要负责民事诉讼案。虽然本职工作干得平庸无起色,待人接物时常迷糊,但他的脑子里有丰富的哲学思想。电视剧的一条主线为他的私生活:能力广受认可的心理咨询师妻子与其离了婚,但再婚后却又与他多次出轨。文森佐想复婚但屡屡被拒……电视剧的另一条主线则是文森佐的工作,有一天他无奈接下了一起黑帮分尸…