搜索 Orea

  • 电影动作
    故事发生在1991年的韩国,玄静(河智苑 饰)是当年气势横扫全国的优秀乒乓球运动员,以打败中国赢得世乒赛冠军为目标,玄静做着不懈的努力和练习。就在比赛即将开始之时,玄静得知了一个惊人的消息,那就是她必须和来自朝鲜的乒乓球选手李粉姬(裴斗娜 饰)组成搭档,联合作战。朝鲜和韩国的关系一直以来都处于冰河时期,这突如其来的联手让玄静…
  • 《Wild Casting》是2008年昂西动画节所做的开幕短片之一,典型的Gobelins二维动画。由二年级学生De Nicolas CAFFAREL, Thomas CHARRA, Floriane MARCHIX, Jérémie MOREAU, Baptiste ROGRON, Melvina WONG联合创作。
  • 电影
    Yves Saint Laurent was the last of the great Parisian couturiers. In 2002, he bid the fashion world adieu with one final collection. Celebration is an immersive experience in an industry that can sometimes feel like you’re on another planet. This portrait of a fashion icon in those final years takes the form of a panor…
  • 这是一个不详的令人颤栗的故事,讲述的是一位母亲与她两个孩子之间的邪恶契约。一位天主教的牧师决定拯救这个家庭,他尝试着治愈疯狂的哥哥,但是13岁的吉米·摩根内心邪恶的力量过于强大以致于任何宗教信仰都无法驱除它。从精神病院逃出来后吉米决定回来复仇,并且有一只精神病患者的儿童军队追随着他,实习吉米的每一个杀人欲望。从此小镇就笼…
  • 在巴黎工作的律师Daniel(Antoine Dulery)度假时对Elisabeth (Alexandra Kazan)一见钟情,两人坠入爱河,一周后两人决定结婚。消息被Elisabeth的奶奶知道,于是打算为心爱的孙女举办订婚宴。为了讨祖母开心,Elisab eth答应老套的订婚仪式,可是与之同时,Elisabeth的父母因为感情淡漠,决定离婚。这让Elisabeth很意外也很苦恼,她的…
  • The Marvel Comics super team comes to life in this un-aired pilot. This live action adaptation has our young heroes tackling the evil DR.MOBIUS and still getting home in time to do their chores & homework before mom & dad get home.In 1991, after the cancellation of the original comic, Marvel developed Power Pack into a…
  • A powerful story of the relationship between father and son, John and Eamon Doyle. based on a short story by John McGahern, it is set in rural Ireland during the 50's, a period of mass emigration and social change. Young Irish emigrants, on arriving in America, have been enlisted and sent to fight in the Korean war. On…
  • France - 1967 - 98’D'après Richard Stark (Donald Westlake).Avec Daniel Ivernel, Michel Constantin, Irène Tunc, Franco Interlenghi, Philippe Moreau, Paul Le Person.Une bande de voleurs s'empare du commissariat et du central téléphonique d'…