搜索 Orlando

  • 在一個月黑風高的夜晚,一位心理醫生和當地警察,必須保護即將被殺死的學生們!到底是冤魂索命還是人為殺機?
  • 电影剧情
    凯西·贝茨将出演传记题材影片[桂冠诗人](The Laureate,暂译)。该片聚焦20世纪英国著名诗人罗伯特·格雷夫斯的私人生活。威廉·努内兹自编自导,卡司包括汤姆·休斯、迪安娜·阿格隆。休斯饰格雷夫斯,阿格隆饰其情人劳拉·莱丁,贝茨饰格雷夫斯的母亲。影片将于本届柏林电影节预售,4月开机。
  • In search of a powerful hallucinogen, five friends embark on a dangerous journey deep into the Amazon. But a bad trip isn't the only threat, as they discover when they stumble across the hidden camp of the crazed Dr. Moreau and his murderous animal-human hybrid creations...
  • 老鼠爷爷给孙子讲他“亲身经历”的泰坦尼克事件“真相”。
  • egina is a woman from a poor family and married with and former secretary of the wealthy Hélio. Regina has a block with Hélio and can not have sex with him, in spite of fantasizing kinky sex with every man she meets. She goes to a shrink a…
  • 意大利工程师马可从米兰来到海地圣多明各修建大坝。前任克鲁格已经消失得无影无踪,他将取代他的位置。当他到达时,他的妻子劳拉在那里等着他和两人以及他们的向导罗梅罗。他们去了克鲁格失踪前居住的一间与世隔绝的丛林小屋。这对夫妇很快就参与了海地宗教领袖巴拉加主持的神秘巫毒仪式,巴拉加反对这种做法。与此同时,克鲁格的幽灵警告他要完…
  • Nine muscular men come to a junkyard and show off their bodies. They are shown stripping cars and working with scrap metal. Next, they start a water gun fight in the Junkyard, where they hide in cars and behind rusty metal to avoid getting shot with water. After this, each of the actors strip down and put on a private …
  • 一部魔幻现实主义风格的南美故事片。虽然不算导演最好的作品,但还可以推荐一看。Bitter vision at the bleak state of affairs in a fictional Latin American city, Pandemonium, through the warped view of a completely dysfunctional family. Among them are a radical poe…
  • 委内瑞拉著名电影人Román Chalbaud的《El Pez que fuma》被国家电影协会评为委内瑞拉影史10部最佳影片的第二位。   A handsome young man is released from jail and goes to "El Pez que Fuma", a bordello in the outskirts of Caracas. La Garza, its middle-aged…
  • 泰拉是一位来自里约热内卢的年轻动画师。Ta通过创作动画来表达对自身的性别困惑和讲述其他变性人的故事。这是一部由变性人群体制作的关于变性人的影片。