搜索 Orso

  • Hitchcockian film noir/thriller set in the exclusive resort community of The Hamptons. Trophy husband Davis Meyers meets local investigator Linus. Davis Meyers' ill-fated attempt to produce an heir leads to infidelity, murder and tragic consequences. Classic film noir in the style of the '40s and '50s. Written by Rober…
  • Intended to be the pilot for a television series about ‘people and places’, Portrait of Gina is a journey to Italy, where Orson Welles discusses the Roman movie world with Vittorio De Sica and Rozzano Brazzi, and Italian customs with his w…
  • 米凯莱在一家超市工作,妻子去世后,留给他六个孩子。超市因经营亏损关门,米凯莱失去了工作。超市转让给西班牙女经理梅拉丽后,米凯莱又回超市工作,对女老板有了好感。除了工作上的压力米凯莱还要面对孩子们给他带来的麻烦:大女儿卡特丽娜与医生比昂迪相爱,并决定去坦桑尼亚当医疗志愿者;二女儿齐阿拉和一位黑人法学院学生坠入情网;小女儿…
  • Mattie Fresno endures an uneventful life, until her grandfather — Nobel physicist, Raff Buddemeyer, leaves a videotaped will. Death, according to his unorthodox theory, is no barrier to their relationship and he promises to “always be ther…
  • 威尔斯唯一一部公映的彩色电影,故事依旧奇情:澳门富商从秘书口中听到一个爱情传说,有人为了香灯有后愿意付钱找人与妻子上床。传说归传说,但澳门富商却要使这个不朽故事成真,找来美女珍.摩露,当正是自己妻子,要她找人轰烈地做爱做的事。乍听下来真是一场天方夜谭,但影片拍来感人至深,53岁的威尔斯与成熟的珍.摩露演出动人不已,最后一…
  • This new comedy revolves around a 27-year-old woman who finds herself the "reluctant enabler" to her eccentric family.
  • ◎简  介故事发生在50年代一个初夏时分,一心期盼着丈夫能够早日从战场归来的农场主莫尼卡面对繁重的农活一筹莫展。为此,她请来了巴黎青年约瑟夫来到农场做署期临时工。约瑟夫是一个工作认真、相貌英俊的男人,对这里的一切也倍感新奇与热情。在莫尼卡、她的女儿让娜、莫尼卡的继母安吉拉三代女人之间,他的影响与日俱增。在与约瑟夫的相处中…