搜索 Osa

  • Two Punjab Police officers head to Canada to solve on a mission. When they get to Canada, their mission isn't as simple as what they first thought.
  • After being wrongly accused of stealing from his former boss, an Iranian gangster with girl problems must hunt down stolen drugs in this neon-noir fever dream set in the bizarre Persian and Russian Los Angeles underworld where obscene reigns supreme.
  • Teens in LA are being kidnapped and turned into an army of zombies by a demonic madman. With the Heart of Hell in his possession and his army of minions, it appears nothing can stand in his way. The mighty gods of Olympus think otherwise. In order to put a stop to his evil plans the gods of Olympus find their last Demi…
  • Frank is a carefree guy who spends most of his day collecting garbage for money with his niece, Lilly. One bad day, Frank is bitten by a werewolf but escapes and lives. Now, when the half-moon comes up in the night sky, Frank turns into a werewolf.
  • With their minds in the gutter three gorgeous babes plot to win big as they struggle to save their grandfather's bowling alley. When the opportunity comes to challenge the country's top bowler they bet the farm in an "all or nothing" game with everything at stake in The Great Bikini Bowling Bash!
  • 强盗头子“尖刀”麦基与波莉姑娘一见钟情、私定终身,气坏了波莉的爸爸、全城乞丐的保护商皮彻姆。皮彻姆向警方检举麦基诱拐妇女,并命令乞丐们大闹女王加冕典礼现场,以此胁迫跟麦基颇有交情的警察局长尽早处死麦基。麦基、波莉和强盗兄弟们各有算盘,但都不愿善罢甘休,由此掀起轩然大波……作为戏剧与音乐完美结合的艺术典范,德国戏剧家贝尔…
  • The animal is in motion, it is impossible to hold it. The bodies vibrate, dance and desire.
  • 我们的主人公名字叫“好运”,但在现实生活中他可是个十足的倒霉蛋。但凡和“好运”打交道的人,肯定都会倒霉。终于有一天,这个名字颇具讽刺意味的倒霉蛋“好运”迎来了他的大运气。他的一个朋友安东尼递给他一个装有两亿五千万卢比现金的口袋(约两千五百万人民币)。原来JK长期筹划,终于策划出了完美犯罪,抢到了银行的两亿五千万新版现金。…