- 1971年,在喀尔巴阡山脉中亚列姆切镇“Ukrtelefilm”导演罗曼Oleksivym被枪杀的微妙而纯洁的爱情Goryanka女孩和男孩顿涅茨克“红街”的电影音乐场景米罗斯拉夫·Skochylias。罗马Oleksiv设置一个艰巨的任务,因为今天的青年的关系,赋予了歌曲表达感情高的贵族,维持人体生命之美。在抒情歌的魅力,感受英雄少年工作加紧诗意的世界各地,风景宜…
- Not just a music film. Not just a ballet film. Not just a political film essay. Here, an antique Greek tragedy serves as an astute metaphor for the country's current tragedy. Medea kills her own children. Society has turned against its offspring and thus kills their future. The balletic retelling of a mother murdering …
- Shortly before the New Year's, charming synchronous swimming trainer Masha, convivial vet Fyodor and poet-romanticist Souren become victims of a real estate scam: all of them are sold the same summer cottage. Who is a real owner of the cottage? Whom will Masha choose for herself? Will the main characters celebrate the …
- 正所谓不作死就不会死,然而好奇害死猫,每天仍有无数的前赴后继踏上悔之晚矣的作死之路。两个摇滚乐队成员穷极无聊,带着朋友亚纪跑进一所停办的学校内玩试胆游戏。结果玩出了火,三人遭到恐怖恶灵的袭击,亚纪更因此丢掉性命。小青年们吓破了胆,找到了除灵师水峰美代(竹内えり 饰)及其徒弟——见习除灵师雫音(志田友美 饰)帮忙赶走恶灵。…