- A sleepy English village is invaded by the cast and crew of a new zombie horror film, but the horror turns real when someone or something starts tearing villagers, cast and crew to shreds.
- Ever since she was a young child, filmmaker Ester Gould has been amazed by the sheer self-confidence of her older sister Rowan, whose boundless creativity and natural beauty tended to make everyone around her jealous. She has the world at her feet, and the universe is her playground. But can such a well-developed sense…
- 故事发生在风景秀丽的冈山县,绘里飘(菲鲁兹·蓝 配音)是生活在这里的一名普通女性,然而,她还有着另一重身份——狂热偶像宅。绘里飘所支持的,是偶像团体“Cham Jam”里名为市井舞菜(立花日菜 配音)的成员,绘里飘是只应援舞菜一人的唯粉,她将自己所有的收入都贡献给了舞菜,工作之余的所有时间经历也都投注到了舞菜的身上。偶像团体里雷…