搜索 Pall

  • A Documentary about on how the true age of our Planet Earth originated and through computer graphics, what the Earth looked like during its lifetime, and through the information of expert geologists and astronomers. This Documentary will take you through Earth's life when it was a world of lava, water, plants animals, …
  • In this B&W, documentary-style, futurist, experimental film, Christian fundamentalists plot to take over the US, while a queer underground organizes to fight them. The loose story revolves around Carlos and Ben, high school students in NYC and in love - in spite of their bigoted classmates attempt to break them apart. …
  • 电影剧情
  • When Bo was a child, a mysterious stranger sadistically murdered his parents. Only Bo and his sister, Ingrid survived the bloodshed. Now, twenty years later... Bo and his sister are grown up. They are now employees at a diamond mineshaft located in the desert. As mischievous as they are, they stumble upon the discovery…
  • 三个金星人降落在地球上,把自己变成美丽丰满的宝贝,然后开始他们的任务,从毫无戒心的雄性身上吸出生命力。他们的伪装是合适的,因为生命力在极度性兴奋的时刻提取时更有价值。与此同时,侦探奥肯希尔德笨手笨脚地进入对干尸的调查,同时试图给他的新伴侣杰克和他的新恋人Shampay留下深刻印象。
  • Six friends plan for a trek to an undisclosed mountain in Western ghats.
  • 米高任特种部队时,曾参与拯救波斯尼恐怖分子挟持的人质,可惜任务失败人质被杀,米高侥幸逃脱。退役后米高任职私人保镖,其老板在机场为枪手伏击身亡,其妻在机场逃过大难后,回到家中再次受击,米高因而被革职,米高追查下,发现凶手竟是两年前恐怖分子首领,其时米高的行动受阻,而一起查案的探员的女儿亦被绑架,令案情更加复杂......
  • 艾曼紐是一位很好的脫衣裸體舞者,肉體是她表演的精髓,她會去迎合別人,覺得自己是好演員,觀眾也很喜歡她。許多編劇和製片人,都會替她準備節目,但收入仍不夠,不時必需充當陪妓維持舞廳生存。於是她想去戛納,和更多人交流,享受光芒四射的感覺,得到全世界人喝彩,讓她的名字成為閃亮的明星名字,並得到多項大獎。一天她回家時,看到了其男…