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  • The trial, under The Obscene Publications Act, of the publishers of D.H. Lawrence's 'Lady Chatterley's Lover'in 1960 was a sensation that consumed the nation. The movie follows two fictional jurors, Helena and Keith, who become passionate lovers during the course of the trial and whose affair mirrors the themes of the …
  • Entertainment News presented by TV Guide Channel
  • 搞笑、空洞又惊喜!故事发生在加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚,讲述了两个出生成长在加拿大的印度人,一次奇妙的旅程改变了他们的一生:)
  • Quote:"1871" is a visually sumptuous, multi-layered treatment of the Paris Commune which was selected for the "Un Certain Regard" section of the 1990 Cannes festival.Quote:The bloody history of radical revolutionary movements in France has frequently provoked otherwise reasonable people in other cou…
  • 柏林影展最佳电影处女作奖
  • 《朋克少年梦》(Engel & Joe)导演:Vanessa Jopp《忘却美国》获奖:2002年波哥达电影节最佳导演奖2001年蒙特利尔国际电影节最佳男演员介绍:朋克少年英格尔遇上逃亡的乔,一段生命旅程由此展开。英格尔每日无所大计,而乔却心怀梦想;他激励对方一同圆梦。俩人疯狂爱恋,乔也随之怀孕。但他们处在生命何方?哪儿才是他们的家园?还有谁来愿意接…
  • 在恬静的印度小村庄,一段被禁止的同志爱情正掀起滔天巨浪。琦兰与蒂莉拉原是青梅竹马好友,因一封情书而产生情愫,继而展开一场捍卫自我的人生旅程。有别于华丽眩目的宝莱坞歌舞片,本片虽然仍具异国情调,但主题却是挑战印度片中较少碰触的同志与情欲议题,以女性特有的温柔与甜美特质,勇敢对抗保守传统的印度社会。