搜索 Paloma

  • 电影剧情
  • 年幼失去母亲且在福利学校长大的克里斯蒂娜,又悲痛重来,她被要求到曼塞拉特接受她父亲的遗嘱。而她到达所要去的城堡的时候,家里其他的成员对她感觉都是那么陌生,他们所做的一切又令他感到难以理解。最后她知道他们都是被诅咒了,她父亲因此自杀,受到邪恶女神的诱导与控制。邪恶女神还利用她父亲对她施行咒语。在这充满诅咒和邪恶的地方,克…
  • 演员的星尘回忆录,政治与艺术关系的反映,竟构成一部《玩谢麦高维治》式的大胆实验作。廿一世纪四十年代,数位年迈的演员追忆往时伙伴阿弗杜。他是个九十年代的戏剧学生,自创剧团在马德里的大街小巷演出,并渐由革新剧场方式深化为抨击政治及社会不公:他们搬演布纽尔经典《被遗忘的人》(Los Olvidados,1950),甚至模仿恐怖份子犯案,以为政…
  • Marcus and his brother Antoine land in Argentina to celebrate their cousin's wedding and to discover the pleasures of the capital, Buenos-Aires. Marcus is joyful, while Antoine, who has just been dumped, is completely down. Marcus is well decided to cheer up his little brother.
  • Dana, a professional blogger lives in an apartment unit next to the new tenants, live-in partners Billy and Sara.Quite attractive, Dana arouses a red-hot desired in Billy.But she has the hots for the equally voluptous Sara.With raging libidos, they make an outrageous deal.If Dana will give Billy a night of passionate s…
  • From the cliffs of the Isle of Wight to an abandoned swimming pool via a broken down lift in Lambeth, Peccadillo Pictures presents an eclectic mix of ten UK-set short films from scorching new British talent that depict LGBT characters in situations both funny and heart-rending, definitive and unique.
  • 电影恐怖
    Something terrifying awakens within a former child star when she finally decides to watch the cursed, classic horror film that she starred in as a child.
  • Displaced by the violence that swept their town, Paloma and Lobo survive trying to love each other. Through thirst, fear and nostalgia, qigou.cc Paloma wishes to go back home but Lobo lives tied to a memory that stops him from returning.
  • 电影生活
    剧场导演法兰克(皮欧.马麦 饰)在剧场打滚了十五年,这一夜,剧组担心他的剧本太过前卫,于是瞒著他让女主角修改了台词,失控的法兰克一时抓狂,竟自己衝上台代替「女」主角演出,引发现场一团混乱,最后他还以赴汤蹈火之姿,暴跌在观众席上,同时为这场演出以及他的演艺事业划下了ENDING。万念俱灰的法兰克只想过上朝九晚五的生活、重新出发…