- 年幼失去母亲且在福利学校长大的克里斯蒂娜,又悲痛重来,她被要求到曼塞拉特接受她父亲的遗嘱。而她到达所要去的城堡的时候,家里其他的成员对她感觉都是那么陌生,他们所做的一切又令他感到难以理解。最后她知道他们都是被诅咒了,她父亲因此自杀,受到邪恶女神的诱导与控制。邪恶女神还利用她父亲对她施行咒语。在这充满诅咒和邪恶的地方,克…
- Dana, a professional blogger lives in an apartment unit next to the new tenants, live-in partners Billy and Sara.Quite attractive, Dana arouses a red-hot desired in Billy.But she has the hots for the equally voluptous Sara.With raging libidos, they make an outrageous deal.If Dana will give Billy a night of passionate s…
- From the cliffs of the Isle of Wight to an abandoned swimming pool via a broken down lift in Lambeth, Peccadillo Pictures presents an eclectic mix of ten UK-set short films from scorching new British talent that depict LGBT characters in situations both funny and heart-rending, definitive and unique.