搜索 Pano

  • 迷失在爱琴海某处的小岛阿姆纳基迎来了一位希腊经济学家。他受欧洲议会的任命,固执的想要扭转当地人的思维与生活方式,让之与欧洲接轨。这期间他认识了一个粗犷的寡妇与富有远见的老师。一连串无法预料事件的发生,迫使双方重新考虑了他们的思维和生活方式。In this unconventional comedy, a French member of the Europe…
  • When a passive young businessman is conned and thrown into great debts, he and his mother concoct a desperate escape plan - to fake his death, stage a funeral, then hide him out in the attic. When he sneaks out to visit his girlfriend, he is spotted by the neighbors, who jump to the conclusion that he is a vampire rise…
  • After "Sevillanas", "Flamenco" or "Fados, Carlos Saura gets once again behind the cameras to shoot a musical documentary about la Jota, the traditional dance and folk music from his homeland: Aragon During the shooting of "LA JOTA", Carlos Saura puts forward a new journey starting fro…
  • In the traffic-laden streets of Metro Manila, two brothers use the chaos of the city roads as a smokescreen for their shady occupation -- tandem robbers on motorbike. But when a robbery goes sour, the brothers are forced to graduate from low level thieves to high profile hit men in an act that tests both their resolve …
  • 三個女孩在節慶期間被謀殺,但警察督察長盧梭不相信報紙報導兇手是連續殺人犯的推測。瑪麗拉德路卡是一個背負秘密的年輕警探,督察長對她有疑心,但還是讓她加入團隊。經過幾個小時的討論,小組終於達成共識,破解了一樁某人的過往塵封往事,並且受義大利政壇影響,如同覆蓋在大雪下的城市的懸案。
  • Lomasankarit (työnimeltään Seikkailu Kreikassa on Taavi Vartian ohjaama suomalais-kreikkalainen nuortenelokuva, joka sai ensi-iltansa 31. lokakuuta 2014. Elokuvan pääosissa näyttelevät Nuutti Konttinen, Ville Myllyrinne, Laura Malmivaara,…
  • 三个满怀理想的年轻人来到大城市巴塞罗那打拼,却被混乱的租房市场逼得流离失所:高得离谱的房租、破败简陋的条件和信口开河的中介……面对理想和现实的差距,他们以自己的方式坚守了下去。
  • 渣女遇到真爱。。。故事讲述在地中海的某个岛屿城市,从小父母双亡的女孩 Nefeli 欲火极大!时不时自己解决生理需求。一天小镇来了外客,他们前来这个小岛度假拍摄写真。 Nefeli来到海滩泡澡没想到睡着了,被海浪打入深海区。结果被这群外乡客所救。在他们的营地里, Nefeli不但了解他们除了度假还肆无忌惮的肉体狂欢。很快 Nefeli 融入…
  • Wedlocked