- 1944年,女孩艾米丽失去双亲后来到苏联驻芬兰的海军基地工作。英雄的潜水艇船长马立尼带领部队及其战舰凯旋归来,受到国家的英雄称号和驻地官兵的热烈欢迎。艾米丽第一眼就爱上了他。马立尼从未注意过她的存在,他和一个瑞典女子打得火热。为图一夜之欢,马里尼手下不幸牺牲。而国家安全局的人早已经对马立尼展开调查,欲以他的家庭背景为由置他…
- Singapore Sling is chasing after Laura, a romantic memory from his past. One night he finds himself in a mysterious villa, watching two women bury a body. He falls into their trap and, in an atmosphere of isolation and decadence, the trio act out insane pleasure games and a ritual of blood and murder.