- Flying Paper tells the uplifting story of resilient Palestinian youth in the Gaza Strip on a quest to shatter the Guinness World Record for the most kites ever flown.
- 来自俄罗斯的动画师Qwaqa所制作的最新短片「Paper Heart」,片中neta了11区导演细田守的动画电影「穿越时空的少女」中女主绀野真琴和男主间宫千昭,在YUTOBE上收到了广泛的关注。短片采用了Qwaqa拿手的铅笔手绘,并配合了现实取景的方式,让观众有一种从2次元穿越进3次元的错觉。而短片的名字叫做「Paper Heart」,人的心,脆弱如纸。一…
- Jason Frank, a high schooler obsessed with conspiracy theories, loses the confidence of his friends after one too many failed secret missions. When he discovers that the principal of his high school has created a mind-control substance she is using to take over the city, he sets out alone to save the day. His fate will…
- “我一直跟我的学生讲,这个项目的主要目的并不只是造房子。对我来说,更重要的是搭建一座中日友谊的桥梁……”带着这样的想法,日本建筑师坂茂来到了中国四川成都。2008年,“512”大地震,成都市华林小学的两栋教学楼变成危房。坂茂设计的纸管结构房子,恰好适合作为过渡校舍使用。这位素以大胆使用材料闻名的建筑师,曾为世界各地的难民搭建…