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  • Made in homage to Kenji Miyazawa’s children’s sci-fi classic MILKY WAY RAILROAD, NIGHT PASSAGE is the latest experimental feature from celebrated filmmaker Trinh T. Minh-ha and artist Jean Paul Bourdier (REASSEMBLAGE, THE FOURTH DIMENSION,…
  • For a year, BBC cameras have filmed the Prince of Wales at home, abroad, at work and on duty. Now, for the first time, we can see and hear for ourselves the private and passionate man behind the controversy and the headlines.As the Prince of Wales turns 60, he's defied convention to become one of Britain's most outspok…
  • My name is Shaun Costello and I wrote and directed this movie. This was the very first hard core XXX adult film to open in a straight theater. It opened at the Quad Cinemas in 1975 to empty seats. My first flop. It was big, it was noisy, it was colorful, it was funny, but there was one thing it wasn't; it wasn't sexy. …
  • 何非光编导、姚士泉摄影的《气壮山河》是“抗战电影”中唯一反映“中国远征军”入缅作战的影片。它不仅表现了中国远征军和盟军对侵缅日军的英勇抗击,而且还大力颂扬了爱国华侨情系祖国、积极支持中国远征军作战的民族情怀。黎莉莉在本片中饰马玛琪。
  • 电影爱情
    배경모는 지현의 이해와 사랑으로 부산 문화방송의 음악 프로듀서로 스카웃 되어 심야 인기프로인 별이 빛나는 밤에 DJ를 맡는다. 그의 노력과 재치로 대성공을 한다. 그는 가족을 부산으로 모셔와 가슴벅찬 생활을 한다. 그러나 경모의 직장암으로 모든 것은 사라진다. 배경모에겐 부산이 음악의 도시요, 항구와 낭만의 도시지만 지현에게…
  • 电视剧剧情
    剧情简介: 在一个偏远的村庄,两个年轻人相爱。为人有一副好嗓子,他决定去曼谷成为一个歌手。具有一定的财务问题,她的未婚夫也去曼谷的工作。她找不到他是被一个出租车司机袭击后的两个好人救。许多有趣的混乱后,她的未婚夫娶了另一个女人,她嫁给了救她的人。
  • 电影
    大青山县政府办公室副主任付立业进山拉木柈子烧火,刚好研究生毕业留到省会城市的杨帆打算进山拉板材做家具用,要搭付立业的方便车,杨帆有木材出山通行证,付立业答应了他。为方便,付部长亲自开车出发了。 大青山县为了控制滥砍盗伐,保护林业资源,规定凡出山的木材必须持有国家运材许可证或县政府的许可证,为此沿途建立三个检查站。付立业…