搜索 Pereira

  • End of the 20th century. A group of scientists executes a project aiming to prevent a nuclear war with the planet Khalom. From their experimental project, involving manipulating events in the past, two mysterious human creatures travel between the present and the 19th century, and back - getting in love with four diffe…
  • A typical story of Central American passion and the day to day lives of women who enjoy life, love and everything else.AMOR Y FRIJOLES is a story of two young girls who are best Friends, They both live in the Colonial town of OJOJONA in Honduras. They lead simple lives. Karen is Married to Dionisio who is a simple man …
  • 上海电影译制片厂(配音合成)1987年译制【配音】:程晓桦、杨文元、程玉珠、杨晓、王建新、尚华、戴学庐、李梓、翁振新【简介】:故事发生在里约·热内卢--巴西的大城市. 著名女歌星苏拉突遭杀害.一个爱慕虚荣、貌若苏拉的贝伦被以阿尔梅达为首的珠宝走私集团所利用.在她冒名顶替苏拉出国赴欧演出时,走私大批珠宝.她行动诡秘,引起贝伦的爱侣保罗…
  • Isidoro, a poor guy, suddenly becomes a millionaire, and gets into the most bizarre situations.
  • PVC-1的灵感来自一个真实的事件,一位无辜妇女的脖子上被系上了一枚衣领炸弹。在哥伦比亚,一位妇女和她的家人成为一个特别恐怖行为的受害者。由于无法支付赎金,这位母亲变成了一个活着的时间炸弹,她陷入了身体和心理的绝境,她和她的家人试图打破这一绝境。
  • 一个平淡无奇的周日,三个年轻人在报纸上读到一则讣告,他们觉得死者可能是很久之前失去联系的同学。赶到葬礼现场后才发现弄错了,然而以此为起点,错乱和偶然开始编织一个关于友情,爱和死亡的故事。
  • 电影剧情