- Armed with bundles of ancient maps, a leaking boat and a failing heart, GARNET'S GOLD follows one extraordinary man's quixotic and recklessly brave adventure in search of hidden treasure, in a belated rite of passage to reclaim his soul and to rediscover the meaning of his life. From the Academy Award winning producer …
- The Australian Outback - 1932. Entranced by the moon, a young girl steps out of her bedroom window. When her parents check on her, she is gone. The police suggest aboriginal tracker Albert lead the search, but the father revolts - insisting - no black-fella is to set foot on my land. Instead, he gathers together as man…
- 托比·辛普森人到中年,每天的生活被无理取闹的女友和控制欲极强的父亲支配着。他做着不喜欢的工作,收着不喜欢的生日礼物,过着不喜欢的生活,但为了让别人高兴,他只能强颜欢笑。直到他在生日那天遇到了芳香治疗师勒娜特·赫拉瓦切克。托比的钱包被偷,勒娜特声称自己看到小偷去参加音乐节了。托比无奈改变计划,随勒娜特一起去音乐节上寻找小…
- In this three-part series for BBC One, Sue will explore the lives of the people living close the river and the challenges facing India as it transforms into one the world's great economic powers. The Ganges is the story of modern India in one spectacular river.Sue Perkins follows her journeys up the Mekong and through …
- Following on directly from the first series, The Outlaws still have time to serve on their sentences, but now they must face the fallout from their actions. If they thought the criminal underworld or the local police were done with them, they are sorely mistaken. The Outlaws must depend on one another while working wit…