- The story unfolds on post-apocalyptic Earth, after a meteorite collision nearly wipes out all human civilization after setting off nuclear weapons. Following this catastrophe, Connor MacLeod (the protagonist of the original film) and other Immortals swear to renounce the Game of fighting each other until only one Immor…
- 时尚教主黛安娜‧佛里兰(Diana Vreeland,1903-1989年)是20世纪最具影响力的女性之一。充满异国情调和过人活力的她,以独到眼光颠覆美的成见,赋予时尚崭新面貌。本片特写这位时尚巨星的传奇面貌,透过电影、摄影、动画、图形、文字、声音和音乐等丰富媒材,将她的人生搬上大银幕,聚焦在这位传奇时尚编辑的非凡成就,近距捕捉她缤纷丰富的生…
- A strange virus causes the majority of the female population to turn into lethal carnivorous zombie strippers. A small band of survivors - amiable geek Idaho, laconic macho cowboy Frisco, spunky Virginia, and her scrappy sister West - embark on a dangerous cross country trek to get to Grandma's house in Portland, Orego…