搜索 Pet

  • 巴西足球运动员通常成为最棒的欧洲俱乐部运动。而本片讲述的是一名出生在塞尔维亚的欧洲足球运动员德杨•佩特科维奇在巴西成为著名球员的故事。众多专家将其评为史上最伟大球员之一。他传奇的足球生涯在足球之国巴西达到巅峰。当他37岁时,效力的弗拉门戈俱乐部获得锦标赛冠军,在巴西被选举为最伟大球员。在马拉卡纳星光大道上留下了他的足印,…
  • 为了得到国王的赏赐和避免自家的农场遭到破坏,穷小子艾斯本( ”Ash Lad” 或者Askeladen)和他的兄弟们开始了拯救被巨型山妖囚禁的公主之旅。   本片是挪威著名作家Asbjørnsen和Moe的经典代表作。
  • A girl running from her past is forced to confront her future when her friends perform an impromptu seance. Dirty secrets are revealed and an uninvited guest joins the party.
  • 电影
  • A yearning for cold hard cash echoes through the ghetto, while rich Swedes spend each weekend bathing in champagne in Stockholm's hot spots. Sara and Amida refuse to get stuck being flat broke, and from their friendship an idea is born for an adventure in spilled champagne. A "booster bag," a night on the tow…
  • Anna takes her 7-years old son Robert to the beach to finish his swimming course, the DOLPHIN, but something is terribly wrong and Anna needs to face reality.
  • 这部摇滚纪录片讲述了列入“摇滚名人堂”的芝加哥乐队的幕后故事,涵盖从出道时摇滚爵士融合曲风到榜首流行热单的演变。
  • When a near-decade old murder case involving a movie star threatens to reopen, adult child Duke Moody decides to make a true crime documentary, financed by his mother.
  • Two brothers are separated as Danny Stone is kidnapped, dragged off by three men from his home in South Wales. For Vince Stone it's a race against time to find out who has him and why. Vince gets closer to finding his brother but gets into some intense situations on the way, with each scene getting more violent and men…