搜索 Peter

  • 电影爱情
    少林叛徒韩先生(石坚 饰)背叛少林后,斥资买下一座小岛将其改造成私人王国,韩先生及一干手下在岛上制贩毒品,强迫女性卖淫,警方欲将其绳之以法却苦无证据。少林高徒李(李小龙 饰)的功夫已经超越有形境界,他受师傅与政府请托,准备参加三年一度由韩先生主办的比武大会。比武大会期间,是登陆孤岛搜集证据的唯一机会。同时韩先生的私人保镖…
  • Mrs. Bradley and chauffeur George visit a seaside village to wish Inspector Christmas a happy retirement and find themselves investigating the murder of Chastity Baines, the daughter of Reverend Baines. Wrapped around the dead girl's neck is a worsted viper with her ring stuffed in its mouth. The circumstances remind M…
  • Mrs. Bradley is asked by Insp. Henry Christmas to help investigate the murder of a member of a traveling circus. The woman, who appeared as the human target in the knife throwing act, was stabbed to death and stumbled onto the stage. The police soon arrest the knife thrower but Mrs. Bradley isn't convinced they've got …
  • Visiting her alma mater, Hadleigh Heights, to give an address, Mrs. Bradley finds herself investigating the death of Miss Ferris, who is found in her dressing room just prior to her appearance in the student production of the Mikado. Mrs. Bradley and her chauffeur George suspect that the dead woman may have had a secre…
  • 兔子马克斯生活在一个大城市里,因为一次飞机意外事故,马克斯误打误撞进入了兔子学校——一个与大城市很不一样的地方。马克思也因无法修好飞机而被迫待在兔子学校,跟其他兔子一起参加复活节的培训计划。然而,兔子学院树篱后面的森林被一群饥饿而狡诈的狐狸统治着,它们正计划窃取兔子学校最珍贵的财产—神奇的金蛋。现在,马克斯和其他兔子一…
  • A traumatized woman is found in a forest, claiming to have witnessed a murder. As the police investigates it they can't find anything proving her story. The woman is convinced that she's the next victim and starts her own investigation to figure out what really happened, trying to find the murderer before he finds her.…
  • 电影动作
    某座远离大都会的宁静小镇,上百年来一直流传着女巫的传说。据说每到春分时刻,女巫便会出来绑架、肢解小孩,并将他们吃掉以葆青春。不久前,一名自称打破了女巫房子玻璃的小女孩神秘失踪,引得小镇人心惶惶。阳光明媚的日子里,爷爷刚刚去世的青年扎克(Justin Deeley 饰)约上卡特(Chase Maser 饰)、特蕾西(Jackelyn Gauci 饰…