搜索 Petro

  • You play as the three Crisis Response Team members Craig Contrell, Nick Bruno and Mia Cabrera. Lead by your CO Jack Walcott, Your objective is to complete 30 missions of action, strategy, stealth, rescuing, escorting and various types of essential goals to stopping the terrorists. Will you succeed?
  • 1812年法皇拿破仑不宣而占,攻入俄国,库图佐夫将军以大胆、坚决、谨慎的策略,一举将法军消灭,取得伟大胜利...
  • In the heart of New York City, men are dying in very violent ways. They are being torn up and ripped apart...and eaten. The only connection is that they all die after hiring a prostitute. And searching for love in this city is Jeffrey...Jeffrey is a sad and lonely man. He hates his job, he hates his life and all he wan…
  • 大三的那个暑假,压抑了自己的性取向21年的paul一时糊涂在图书馆的厕所里和陌生男人发生了性行为,被图书馆的警卫发现.这件事情改变了paul的家庭关系,也成为paul心中的石头,当他回到教会大学,他每晚都会梦见这件事情.虽然其他人都不知道他的事情.另一方面,他的好朋友hector也被发现和某个男人发生了亲密关系,并被学校记过并留校察看中.所有的人都…
  • 一部非常精彩的俄罗斯幻想喜剧,获2007年度俄罗斯奥斯卡(尼卡奖)最佳电影等四项提名。值得一提的是,这电影还是第63届威尼斯地平线单元的参选电影(“马背上的法庭”得地平线单元最佳电影那届)。剧情英文简介:"Free Floating" is a melodrama with elements of comedy about a young lad from an o…
  • SYNOPSISTwo enthusiastic cogsillustrate life, albeitbriefl y, outside theconfi nes of theirrepressive machineryLOOK OUT FOR0:46 The cogs meet forthe fi rst time1:11 Outside the ‘jail’1:26 The dance of the cog1.47 Dreaming about theUniversal …
  • 在战争中失去儿子后,男人陷入悲伤的无底洞,为了给儿子报仇,他听命干活的同时,秘密研制出一辆“思维”坦克,该坦克可以读懂人内心的恐惧,并根据读到的信息精确计算出人所在的具体位置,被它读懂内心正怀有恐惧的人都难逃一死。最终,“思维”坦克将准备将它用于战场上的各位军官悉数击毙,男人成功为儿子复仇,只是,他没有想到,坦克尽管由…