搜索 Petrovic

  • 故事发生在一座名为克拉古耶瓦兹的小镇中,该镇的生活在德国军队到来之前非常幸福。但德国军队的到来改变了一切,许多男人离家去参加游击队,或因拒绝与德军合作而失去工作。这使得孩子们被迫承担家庭的重担,他们必须找出各种方法来维持生计。比利亚克的父亲留下一封信,加入了游击队,因此照顾母亲和妹妹的责任落在了比利亚克的肩上。刚开始,…
  • 人是什么?只有人类才能在巧妙衔接的黑色喜剧情节中展现出六张脸、六个阶段,绝望的人物在现代大都市里不由自主地相遇,寻找生存的手段,寻找某种爱。失业的毕业生成了掘墓人,悲伤的寡妇成了修女,牧师赌博,黑帮统治着法庭。只有孤独的孩子才能在希望长存的时候找到爱。
  • Igor Gordic (Srdjan Todorovic) won the gold medal in shooting at the World Championship in 1991. Soon after that success he got drafted by the army as a sniper. During the war the killing of people (or like the film says:"spilling their brains out") was for him only possible under the influence of drugs. Afte…
  • IN YOUR HANDS - Maša Šarović & Sharon Engelhart (10')After begging her to come back, Azra gets her daughter Lejla back at the airport. In the car, she tells her a surprising news and takes her to an unknown place where mother and daughter…
  • Belgrade in 1992. Hiding from night mobilizations, a young doctor requests third-shift work, instead of his colleague who died on war-front. He meets a pleasant old woman who, realizing that he finished Faculty of literature, asks him for help in arranging her precious home library. Astonished, he finds out that it is …
  • 电视剧
    When a gruesomely staged body is found, propped up on a mountain pass in the Alps close to the German-Austrian border, two detectives are sent to investigate. For German detective Ellie, this is the first real challenge of her career; her Austrian counterpart Gedeon though seems to have lost any ambitions in his job. V…
  • U Klinču
    THE CLINCH is a coming-of-age series about real adolescence, about moments in life when young people on the threshold of adulthood complete high school and become university students or find jobs, and start to fulfil or become disappointed with their ambitions. It is a period when life starts slapping us down and we mu…
  • 异教峰