搜索 Pica

  • The film starts with a sneak peek before the camera starts grinding, as we see snippets of behind-the-scenes. The narrator introduces two character, the filmmakers, obsessed with the life of Jose Rizal. When the director starts talking to the camera, at once the set-up is established, it is a film within a film.The dir…
  • 电影剧情
    在台北市即将进入联考的紧张又炎热的夏天里,刘志强整天幻想着带暗恋的女孩去绿岛上坐潜水艇游海底,做着“热带鱼”的美梦。在又一次令父母失望的模考成绩下,他偶然在电视上看见一起绑架案,试图只身解救小孩没想到自己反被抓了去。绑匪阿庆(林正盛 饰)是自乡下来台北混世的打工仔,勒索失败后他把两个小孩带回了家。阿庆全家人生活困顿却其…
  • 自从“逃离17号城”这样的《半条命2》短片后,鲜有如此高水准的非商业短片了,不过年内仍然有像MW和传送门这样的高素质制作,今日又一款Valve的经典作《生存之旅》再次让我们知道高素质非商业短片仍然很棒。该片由专业军模生产商Airsoft GI联合非商业的专业制片团队Northern Five Entertainment制作,以《生存之旅》为主线,讲述对战僵尸群的故…
  • The film is very humorous and nice. The contents are somewhat sexual. The movie, though it is overall not disturbing, is not suitable for the younger members of the audience and the easily disturbed. The movie is about three friends who each have different problems to cope with. The movie stars Alfred Vargas, Dina Bonn…
  • 关于巴宾的出生,有一个预言,那一天阴风怒号,浊浪排空。杂货铺老板夫妇在一起谈论着这几天的怪天气和古老的魔咒,正在此时,巫婆临盆了,在一番痛苦的挣扎与惨厉的号角声中,巴宾呱呱坠地。然而,他患有智障残疾的事实,却让这个家庭分崩离析。而且,镇上发生了奇怪的事情:杂货铺老板在培育萤火虫时引发教堂火灾,而神甫就在里面,结果那里成…
  • In April 1994, the middle-aged Canadian journalist Bernard Valcourt is making a documentary in Kigali about AIDS. He secretly falls in love for the Tutsi waitress of his hotel Gentille, who is younger than him, in a period of violent racial conflicts. When the genocide of the Tutsis by the Hutus in Rwanda begins, Berna…
  • 贫困潦倒的弗兰克一家育有五子,第六个孩子也即将出生,另一对律师中产夫妇则无法生育,两家人开始了一场游走于法律暗面的交易。影片用悬疑片的类型桥段颇有新意地包装了人口贩卖这个旧主题,角色的阶层差异难掩人性共通,律师知法犯法更显无奈与讽刺。该片使用特殊的1.50:1画幅收紧了景别,聚焦人物表情与心理状态,凸显出法律秩序下的个体选择…
  • 剧场版Tropical-Rouge!光之美少女雪之公主与奇迹指环!
    《Tropical-Rouge!光之美少女》电影将于2021年秋在日本公开, TV动画将于2021年春播出!   剧场版PV链接:   https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV12V411H7qj