搜索 Piers

  • A newly married man moves into his wife's parents' house to save money, only to have his life completely taken over by her father (Dennis Farina).
  • 本片采访了多位科学家,用大量证据否定了“人为全球气候变化”的说法,直指它为“谎言、当代最大的骗局”。影片指出:全球暖化的背后其实是一个由狂热的反工业化环保分子创造出来的高达数百亿美元的全球产业。这个有利可图的产业获得了那些用恐慌故事来争取研究基金的科学家们的支持,又被政治家和媒体大肆渲染。影片采访的多位科学家包括9位研…
  • 《三面镜》堪称印象派运动最大胆影片之一,爱普斯坦为影片设置了晦涩暗昧而又诡异多变的情节。三个迥异的女人各自描述他们与同一个男人的关系,他们的叙述使得关于这个男人的看法互相矛盾冲突,无法统一。在电影的最后一场戏中,在分别给每个女人写信叙述不能与他们见面的不同理由之后,他遭遇了一次致命的车祸。影片中几乎所有的叙事信息,都是…
  • June, 2003. During the final month of their year-long stay in Fiji, indie-film gurus John and Janet Pierson and their two children host a documentary film crew. John's been showing free movies at the 288-seat 180 Meridian Cinema, in remote Natokalan Village on the island of Taveuni. Reality intrudes in paradise: their …
  • 艾玛(艾玛·邦顿 Emma Bunton 饰)、梅尔B(梅兰妮·布朗 Melanie Brown 饰)、梅尔C(梅兰妮·奇斯霍姆 Melanie Chisholm 饰)、维多利亚(维多利亚·贝克汉姆 Victoria Beckham 饰)和杰瑞(格蕾·哈莉威尔 Geri Halliwell 饰)组成了一支名叫辣妹组合的乐队,在善于经营的经纪人克利福德(理查德·格兰特 Richard E. Grant…
  • 在傅满洲168岁生日宴会上,一个倒霉的仆人不小心把他的长生不老药洒光了。傅满洲派他的夫人去寻找重新制作药的配方。行动从盗取在华盛顿的苏联展上盗取“列宁格勒之星”钻石开始。联邦调查局派Capone和Williams特工到英格兰与傅满洲研究专家Nayland合作。Nayland怀疑傅满洲会绑架乔治五世国王和王后,并勒索他们用钻石作为赎金。傅满洲绑架了王…
  • 米歇尔(瑞奈·列费夫尔 René Lefèvre 饰)是一位穷困潦倒的画家,他不仅身无分文,还背负着累累的债务。正当债主们追得米歇尔走投无路之时,他惊讶的发现,自己在无意之中购买的一张彩票竟然中了价值百万的大奖,那么问题就来了,米歇尔将那张彩票放在了夹克的衣兜里,而那件夹克则在女友比阿特丽斯(安娜贝拉 Annabella 饰)的手上。不幸…
  • 电影
    Flight \/ Risk follows everyday people who find themselves in the midst of a global tragedy when two Boeing 737 Max planes crashed only five months apart in 2018 and 2019. This powerful documentary is told through the perspective of affected family members, their legal teams, whistleblowers, and Pulitzer-winning Seattl…
  • Set in a dirt-poor neighborhood in the fictional city of San Lovisa, Texas, EvenHand tells the story of two very different cops, working together for the first time. Rob Francis, recently divorced, finds the adjustment from his previous assignment in "Sleepytown" difficult. With his new partner, the volatile …