- 三只小猪驾着自己的飞船,踏上了前往“甜甜圈星球”的旅途。不料飞船遇到白洞的喷射,坠落在冰冻星球,偶遇人造外星人豆豆,并和豆豆成为了好朋友。但他们在护送豆豆回家的途中遇到了邪恶博士,并被告知豆豆是“四十大盗”。豆豆究竟是好人还是坏蛋?正义博士究竟在哪里?三只小猪面临的,是一场需要拯救宇宙的大冒险!
- Music for Black Pigeons is the first collaboration between Jørgen Leth and Andreas Koefoed. The film poses existential questions to influential jazz players such as Bill Frisell, Lee Konitz, Midori Takada and many others: How does it feel …
- A Holocaust survivor writes, after the war, a thank-you letter to a pig that saved his life. After his testimony in a classroom, a young student dreams a tragic version of his story. Beyond her personal vision, the film also explores the themes of collective trauma, vengeance, human evil and compassion.