搜索 Pino

  • 电视剧
    丈夫在一次奇怪的爆炸中死亡后,安帕罗开始在保安、前警察和酒鬼里奇的帮助下寻找答案。 与此同时,谋杀案总是遵循同样的模式:受害者烧焦的尸体旁边会出现一个库罗玩偶,它是1992年塞维利亚世博会的标志性吉祥物。
  • 乔治和曼迪的头婚生活
  • 电影爱情
    酗酒康复的单亲母亲,与患脑退化症的鳏夫,在高中旧同学聚会上重遇。她设法忘记过去,却摆脱不了伤痛回忆;他努力记住今天,却无法忆起眼前往事。在记忆与遗忘的夹缝中无处可逃,两个寂寞生命试图在不属于他们的当下互相抱拥,寻觅仅余的一线生机。《日暮》的米歇尔·弗兰克 ,镜头保留一贯冷静锋锐,手术刀似的剁开性虐与家庭暴力的深层创伤;…
  • 来自菲律宾的同志佳作,纯情少男,遇上帅哥兄弟,校园内外,慾望被觉醒,但意想不到的真相,却在不远处快将被揭破。口碑甚佳的一部亚洲作品,恋上第一个真正的朋友,纯真会否从此消逝?高材生 Felix 终日埋首学业,希望藉此脱贫,他没有朋友,有时会寂寞。一天,学校来了一位新同学 Magnus,他跟弟弟 Maxim 二人都跟 Felix 成为了好朋友,F…
  • Between 1926 and 1927, the Italian intellectual and Communist political figure Antonio Gramsci spent 44 days imprisoned on the island of Ustica, off the northern coast of Sicily. Together with his fellow prisoners, he founded a school. This unique institution was open to all, welcoming people of all ages and social bac…
  • US scientist created a new medicine called the Anti-Hypothermic shot. Citizens were accidentally infected with a deadly virus during human testing trials. Mercenary Gabriella Knight attempts to join forces against the infected with Dr. Matthew Sage to utilize his distillation oil which dramatically increases the body's…
  • Casino operator Johnny Lamb hires down-on-her-luck socialite Lucille Sutton as his casino hostess, in order to help her and to improve casino income. But Lamb's pals fear he may follow Lucille onto the straight-and-narrow path, which would not be good for business. So they hire Gert Malloy and Dictionary McKinney, a pa…
  • Society-woman Hattie Leonard organizes her own band of 'gang-busters' when she discovers a garment she sent to the dry-cleaners had been taxed twenty-five-cents to pay for gang 'protection.' She sends to New York City for a reformed gangster she had befriended, Frankie O'Fallon, and he hires the manpower needed from th…
  • Bórquez’s memorable doc follows a same-sex couple, Víctor and Fernando, as they fight for the right to be married in their home town of Mexicali, Baja California. A rallying cry for equality and a testament to the power of ordinary people…