搜索 Piper

  • 雜耍演員薛普法蘭可發現一捲擁有135年歷史的老帶子,裡頭一位瘋狂科學家阿特米溫斯卓正在展示他所發明的一台超次元機器,薛普號召親朋好友,不顧阿特米溫斯卓曾孫女愛米亞的警告,一意想找出這台神奇的機器,在薛普的修復之下,這台機器又可以重新運作,然而薛普卻沒有預期到,一椿慘劇將要上演,一如135年前,薛普一時大意,使得這架詭異的機器轉化出一群…
  • In the period prior to World War One Matthew Armitage is a house guest of the Carslake family for a weekend party, and, in the mirror, sees an image of Sylvia, the daughter of the house, being throttled by a man with a scarred neck - just as Sylvia's fiance is similarly scarred. Matthew fights in the war and afterwards…
  • 剧情大概:一对年轻的恋人搬进郊外一幢破旧的别墅里生活,不曾想这座房子早已因为闹鬼事件而恶名昭彰,恶魔仗着诅咒的力量隐藏在下水道的废水中,等待着无辜的人前来送死……(虽然是千禧年的片子,但特效看上去更八十年代些,除去白痴的情节和蹩脚的演技,剩下的也只有血腥了……)血腥度:4片中怪物数量:1怪物类型:巫术诅咒怪物特点:隐藏、…
  • 电影动作
    When the President learns that domestic terrorists have skyjacked the passenger jet her brother is flying...
  • Three horror comic tales connected to a wrap-around story involving a B-movie actress stalked by a blood-thirsty zombie.
  • 电影冒险