- Titled “Un lugar para Ramon” (“A Place for Ramon”), the drama is set against the backdrop of Peru’s months-long COVID-19 lockdown where two men, a Peruvian national who is confined to his apartment with the ashes of his estranged father,…
- Samuela is in despair at not having had a breakthrough as an author. When her boyfriend dumps her, she and her brother take a secret trip to their family’s vacation home on Lanzarote so that she can work on her novel. But instead of the pe…
- 纽西兰老科学家发明一个名为“天狼星”的三棱镜,它可将人的潜能激发,形成难以置信的超能力。但这项发明很快被当地一黑社会组织盯上,他们袭击实验室,杀害老科学家。危急时刻,天狼星被参加实验的青年金刚(许冠杰 饰)和科学家的女儿莎莉(叶倩文 饰)带出纽西兰,来到香港。\r\n 返港后,金刚寻求侦探光头佬(麦嘉 饰)的帮助,谁知黑帮…