- L’arte di Mario Merola è stata multimediale: canzone, teatro, cinema. Ma è soprattutto alla sceneggiata che ha legato la sua fama e la sua grandezza: un teatro dei poveri, un’arte popolare che Merola affrontava con un’adesione e un’autore…
- La segunda entrega de las aventuras del Comando Corsini nos transporta esta vez a la llanura pampeana, allí donde Corsini creció y forjó una visión del mundo que habría de acompañarlo durante toda su vida. El resultado de esa excursión es…
- Synopsis On the prestigious occasion of the one-hundredth anniversary of the Corriere dello Sport, one of the most widely-read daily newspapers in Italy, the documentary explores the deep essence of sports, a veritable social and cultural collector, and the evolution in the they are practiced and reported. COMMENTARY…
- Synopsis The director reconstructs his childhood, consisting of travels and hippy communes. In doing so, he meets others like him, the products of those movements. The result is a collective story of a generation that, often in ironic tones, demolishes the myth of the flower children, reflecting on the conceptions of …
- Ciro and Marco, a few Euros, an old Beetle and a pinch of madness. A low-budget road movie, light-hearted and fun, into the heart of the popular and musical cinema of the city of Naples. From the pioneer Gustavo Lombardo to Elvira Notari. From Raffaele Viviani to the films of Natale Montillo. From Giacomo Rondinella to…