- 市場街邊,小販叫賣,鳳梨果香與書香相得益彰,最是滋味;蘭嶼離島,樹間貨櫃,留言本中藏有訪客心情,只待有心人來相見,回覆思念。鄉間小鎮有書店,素昧平生的人們輪流來駐店,店長日記寫自己的故事,也為客人留下記憶。書店可以是醫生夫婦經營的夢想,亦能是父母陪孩童自由成長的地方。全台二百多間獨立書店,容納與交流的不只是書,更是匯聚…
- A paranormal investigation takes us inside the abandoned Camarillo State Mental Hospital in California. Featuring real archival footage, EVP, photos and interviews with the ghost hunters documenting the paranormal activity inside the reportedly haunted location.
- 继成功的POE三部曲(POE 1 Eireie诗歌,POE 2邪恶计划,POE 3件Eldritch)之后,三位最原始的国际独立导演带来了Edgar Allan Poe的故事。虽然在之前的POE三部曲电影中,焦点是臭名昭着的波士顿作家的诗意和可怕的维度,但这第四章的重点是黑色CAT故事的血腥,暴力和令人不安的复述。
- En sortant de l'école est une collection de 13 courts métrages d'animation de 3 minutes qui se propose d'associer poétiquement, dans la liberté artistique la plus exigeante, 13 poèmes de Guillaume Apollinaire à l'univers graphique de jeun…
- In Parenthesis is considered one of the greatest ever literary works about war. TS Eliot called it a work of genius and WH Auden said it did for the British and Germans what Homer did for the Greeks and Trojans.Published in 1937, it is based intimately on the wartime experiences of its author David Jones, a Londoner wh…