搜索 Pok

  • 电影冒险
    A serial black widow murderess returns to life in the body of a young woman to exact revenge on a former lover, a phony spiritualist who betrayed her.
  • 「白色大樓」曾是柬埔寨首都金邊的標誌性建築物。在60年代,這楝大型住宅大樓是當年柬埔寨現代化的象徵。導演就是在那裡的其中一個單位長大的。經歷過歲月的洗禮,殘舊的大樓要面臨拆卸,於是他就把握這個機會,記錄住客們在搬遷前最後的生活、懷緬過去的點滴。電影對老百姓的仔細觀察,能帶出慘痛的國家歷史之餘,亦道出大家對未來的疑惑。這部…
  • In 1970, a marine engineer Lenin (Cheran) from Calcutta comes across a Nagore girl Nadira (Padmapriya)...
  • A quiet town is jumpstarted by the arrival of an enigmatic family; a statuesque mother named Louisa and her gorgeous teenage sons. Sixteen Year-Old Hilary is working hard to get good grades, hoping to escape the small town life a long line of relatives lived before her. With the arrival of the mysterious family just we…
  • 'Love is blind'. But, for Aman (Arpan Thapa) and Barsha (Namrata Shrestha), it is deaf as well as mute.Maun is a story of love between Aman and Barsha who are hearing impaired. Aman, a guy with a dark past, usually spends his days smoking. Barsha, a free-spirited girl who is very fond of her father wants to achieve som…
  • 动漫动画
    2006年,为配合NDS版(钻石、珍珠版)的上市,TV动画同步推出全新系列《神奇宝贝钻石&珍珠》(Pokémon Diamond & Pearl,简称DP)。对战开拓区篇结束后,小遥为了独自挑战城都地区的华丽大赛和小智告别,小胜回到了橙华道馆,小刚也回家去了。小智则受到了小茂的激励,独自带着皮卡丘和偷渡的长尾怪手前往神奥地区挑战联盟。新登场的女主角小光…
  • 电视剧
  • 电视剧剧情
    一段悲惨的人生经历让本是平凡青年的小岛春太(阿部贞夫 饰)心灰意冷,对生活失去了热情和希望,他辞了职,成为了一名专门修理家具的技工。春天封闭起了内心,不再关心外界社会,一心一意做一个匠人。一次偶然中,春太邂逅了名叫叶山雅子(水原希子 饰)的女子,此人曾经因为跟踪骚扰而进过警局。随着时间的推移,雅子身上散发出的独特魅力渐渐…
  • Pokerfjæs
    Some of the biggest names in danish television heads to Vegas to compete in the world championship in poker.