- 黑夜来临,身穿警服、头戴贝雷帽的西九龙警区机动部队PTU B连的两支小队:第一纵队警长关志轩(吴卓羲饰) 带头及第二纵队警长苏国威(陈山聪饰)领着各自的队员,共八名PTU警员冲向两辆行驶中的房车。他们必须反应敏锐,当机立断,不容犯错!然而,当PTU的警服卸了,下班回家,他们便过着平凡人的生活,同样经历一切的喜怒哀乐和悲欢离合,跟你我一…
- 当孩子不被父母需要时,他们会被送到全国最好的寄宿学校:“家庭学校”。然而,家庭学校似乎更像是一所监狱,而不是一所有着严格规章制度的学校。它的课程也相当独特。学校里的一群学生在开始觉得机构有点不对劲后,试图找出到底是怎么回事学校在树林里。但是这个任务没那么容易。
- Sujata, an ideal mother, who battled the most challenging situations one can ever face with a smile.
- Claire et Sophie ont fait leurs études ensemble, elles sont toutes deux avocates. Claire va être accusée de tentative d’homicide sur enfant de moins de 15 ans. Sophie va assurer sa défense. Comment Claire, déjà mère de douze enfants, n’a-…
- Nazario, founder of the Spanish underground comics movement and pioneer of the gay graphic novel, looks back on his eventful life, his flamboyant and explicit works. 16mm films, photos, illustrations and paintings document the spirit of departure of a counter culture, but also recount Nazario’s great love for Alejandro…
- The story revolves around two couples who should never have met and who subsequently embark upon an unthinkable exchange which should never have taken place…
- The story revolves around two couples who should never have met and who subsequently embark upon an unthinkable exchange which should never have taken place…