- In the city of Vitória da Conquista, Bahia, Brazil, the Biscoito de Polvilho, made out of Casava, is the background that connects our characters into a self portrait of the city and it changes.
- A meeting of two characters happened in a deep forest, on the bank of a small pond, while it was raining heavily. This meeting is a node of the whole story. Once a gypsy predicted death to the main character. He believes her, for all her predictions have come true. The fear of death makes him look for solution and he d…
- Dan Harmon and his celebrity friends get together to play a fantasy role playing game.
- 当社会每况愈下,人心不古,纷争迭起之际,人与人之间已经失去起码的诚信与尊重,由此导致了争端四起。在此危急时刻,奥莉弗(梅伊•奎斯托尔 Mae Questel 配音)走入人山人海的会场,通过电台向全国呼吁找回人与人之间兄弟般的关爱(Brotherly Love),停止争斗。她载歌 载舞,还不忘提醒在收音机旁的男友大力水手卜派(杰克•梅瑟 Jack …
- Jack Ridge is a former piano prodigy living on a farm he has let go to seed. He's living in the past, but the future is coming for him.
- 另一项工作指导梅德和Elena Demyanenko Tomashpolsky串联。关于爱和性病医生宇航员和政府秘密拍喜剧实验宇宙尺度。磁带在拍摄的过程中得到了它的名字时,研究人员发现,世界卫生组织列入精神疾病的酗酒,盗窃癖和滥用药物沿码F63.9下列表中的爱情。电影 - 一个相当意外的和令人惊讶的呼吁浪漫喜剧风格,其中相当尖锐,大胆带到荒谬和大约不幸的…