- 安东尼奥一个年轻的巴西翻译工作者,去阿塔卡玛沙漠为新小说寻找灵感,结果遇上了一桩凶杀案,在证件被扣留不得不逗留在当地的时候,他认识了酒吧老板娘弗洛伦西亚并和她,还有一个印第安夫人,以及警察之间展开了一个追寻给予的故事。
- Returning to mark Amnesty International's 50th anniversary, The Secret Policeman's Ball 2012 is bigger than ever as some of the world's best comedians and musicians team up for an evening of original, cutting-edge entertainment.This year's Secret Policeman's Ball takes place in March at New York City's Radio City Music…