搜索 Pom

  • 电影
    Young Cuban Rafael just buried his mother, and comes to Houston to meet his father John for the first time. The difficult part is that John doesn't know he is Rafael's father. John runs a dance studio, and everyone prepares for the World Open Dance championship in Las Vegas. It soon becomes clear Rafael is a very good …
  • 影片讲述了胡安与伊娃·庇隆初次相遇并坠入爱河的故事。影片避免了相关的政治内容,而强调两人的恋情。(维基百科)
  • A story of love and lust shaded with overtones of incest and lesbianism. Livia is a woman trying to regain the affections of her husband Alberto, whose journalism career takes him away for months at a time, on purpose. What she does not know is that he has an undeniable attraction for their daughter Monica. Livia's own…
  • 一个牧人和他的妻子在乡下过着平静的生活,直到有一天他听到巨大的爆炸声,感觉到地动山摇,他感到很困惑,于是决定出去看看发生了什么事。在山中他发现一个巨大的洞,猜测这洞是撒旦所为,作为地球和地狱的衔接。回去之后,恶梦和痛苦随之而来,牧人决定亲自去报仇。
  • 电影剧情
    孔繁花(师春玲 饰)是官庄村的村长,尽管身为女流之辈,但孔繁花的能力却一点也不输给男人,在任期间,村子里大大小小的事务均被她安排的井井有条。换届选举即将来临,希望能够连任的孔繁花斗志昂扬地投入到了“战斗”之中,甚至拉来了在外打工养家的丈夫张殿军(宁理 饰)为自己出谋划策。一位村民的意外怀孕将孔繁花心中的算盘全部打乱,而她…
  • A young man invites his friend over to watch some VHS tapes, but the contents of the tapes are more disturbing than he thought.
  • 在泰國,有個謠傳至今的迷信:只要有一位處女在天空下,把一株香茅倒插進土裡,就能阻止下雨。當烏雲開始籠罩在片場上方,一位年輕的製片被派去找人執行這個儀式。劇組間存在著各式各樣的潛規則,究竟誰才能擔任「香茅女孩」的角色?