搜索 Pont

  • Two French paras who had lived through deadly situations in Algeria, meet again in civil life. Frapier is a newspaper reporter, and one day finds his friend Porte - surrounded by the police after a car theft, and an accidental killing of a police officer. He helps him escape, and provides shelter with the complicity of…
  • 电影
    John Adams - El niño La Nativité The World Première Production, Libretto by John Adams, Peter Sellars From the Théâtre Musical de Paris - Châtelet Deutsches Symphonie Orchester Berlin, Conducted by Kent Nagano Directed for the stage by P…
  • 在梦里,约纳斯小姐落在了一个邪教组织里。由于她的思想和生活都是在荒淫的世界里,因此被处以斩首。但是,她到了地狱之后,被告知来早了3天,重又被遣返回人间......然而,约纳斯小姐感到无论在那里,都等于是在地狱里。
  • Tells the stories of a group of people in Ciudad de Juarez with one thing in common: they are all looking for a better life for them and their families. For many, that better life waits just a short walk away in the United States.
  • 一个希腊渔民救起了一位公主,原来她是来自科技高度发达的亚特兰蒂斯,并送其返回祖国,希望能够得到奖赏,然而却被囚禁,成为劳工。国王被一个邪恶的巫师操纵,企图使用亚特兰蒂斯的某种自然资源来征服世界。亚特兰蒂斯人,确切地说是亚特兰蒂斯的奴隶,被迫开采一种能够吸收太阳射线的水晶矿物,制造出可以发射热线的武器。由于腐朽和道德沦丧…
  • 国王和王后迎来了他们可爱的小女儿奥罗拉公主(奥赫莉•杜邦 Aurélie Dupont 饰),为了庆祝这个崭新的小小生命的降临,城堡里举行了盛大的宴会。国王邀请了仙女和女巫们参加晚宴,哪知道仙女们迟到了,这让久候的女巫感到非常的生气。女巫设下了恶毒的诅咒,诅咒奥罗拉公主将在她16岁那一年被纺锤刺破手指而死。仙女无法破解女巫的诅咒,却将…