搜索 Popa

  • The Hit-Woman, The Cop, The Gambler, The Psychopath
  • 对话韩国流行音乐人,感受KPOP魅力。
  • Documentary telling the amazing story of how a group of reclusive Rhineland experimentalists called Kraftwerk became one of the most influential pop groups of all time. It is a celebration of the band featuring exclusive live tracks filmed at their Tate Modern shows in London in February 2013, interwoven with expert an…
  • Popeye is hosting three of his western-obsessed nephews on his ranch. To get them to eat their spinach, he tells about how he arrived at the ranch and was humiliated by foreman Bluto until, of course, he ate his spinach.
  • Industrialist's son returns from the USA, where he'd been supposedly studying Nuclear Physics, when in fact he'd devoted himself to pop music, without his father's knowledge.
  • 影片讲述了一个典型的罗马尼亚家庭从乡下到城里去领取他们中的大奖。在途中通过高度喜剧化的方式展现了罗马尼亚正经历的经济和社会方面的巨变。然而,这一家人的团结也因为这场原本是一件天大的喜事而遭到严重破坏,再也开心不起来。原来是18岁的女儿赢得了一辆价格不菲的汽车,结果竟然演变成了一场商业广告。一罐果汁,三个标签,让她击败了不…
  • 罗曼警长和米克洛万接受不同的教育,虽然二者都想制止猖獗的犯罪活动,但行事方式却大不相同。当他们相互理解对方后联手与犯罪团伙展开殊死斗争...1945年4月,饱尝战争苦难的罗马尼亚又面临盗匪横行的摧残。罗曼警长抓到歹徒帕斯库,从中得知土匪头目布丘尔利格在旅管和一个姑娘幽会。罗曼和助手迅速前往,布丘尔利格当场送命,罗曼警长决心将歹…
  • 电影剧情
    蒂亚(Gloria Popata 饰)是一名正处在叛逆期的少女,某日,在和家人大吵一架后,愤怒的蒂亚选择了离家出走,哪知道在途中遭遇了车祸。无处可去的蒂亚住进了和她一同遭遇车祸的威尔(大卫·艾略特 David Elliot 饰)、唐娜(彻尔茜·普利斯顿-凯瑞佛特 Chelsie Preston-Crayford 饰)夫妻两人的家中。  威尔的侄女因为车祸而失去了自己的父亲…