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  • The Best European Film about kids' growth and problems with their parents., 13 April 2003Author: nightmarepictures from New York, U.S.A.Astonishing story about a kid raising in a "perfect" family realizes that his uncle is the only honest man in his family. Apostol Karamitev gives one of his best performances…
  • 电影生活
    韦克斯曼(杜夫·龙格尔 Dolph Lundgren 饰)曾是一名效力于秘密地下组织的特工,在战争时代凭借着惊人的准星立下了赫赫战功。战争结束之后,韦克斯曼依然无法从杀戮的宿命中解脱出来,转型成为了潜伏在黑暗之中的杀手,实际上,对充满了血腥和危险的生活,韦克斯曼早已经非常厌倦,他内心里的倦意被上司发现,为了保守住组织的机密,上司决定牺…
  • “Postscript”是一系列短篇小说,在一个噩梦后世界末日的不远的将来。这部影片讲述了全球各地散落的一群绝望的幸存者,他们努力通过严酷而美丽的反乌托邦景观来生存或死亡的挣扎。
  • A French Soldier during World War One marches towards the front-lines, only to face the enemy in an unexpected way.
  • Mugaritz.Sinpannipostre
    Every year the team at the Mugaritz works behind closed doors to design a vocationally different gastronomic proposal every season, completely stripped back, to start again almost from zero. Every season is a leap into the unknown. A path full of questions, a creative challenge shared with the curious diners, inviting …
  • Opt ilustrate din lumea ideală
    Radu Jude teamed with researcher in critical theory and philosophy of history/media Christian Ferencz-Flatz for Eight Postcards from Utopia. A found-footage documentary assembled exclusively out of post-socialist Romanian advertisements, this brings together these documents of Romania’s long transition period, they are…
  • 电视剧少女
  • 电影动作
    1945年,二战的最后阶段,德国科学家Klausener发明了一个可怕的新技术,利用电磁技术,创造了一支不朽的纳粹军队,这个秘密流传至今。有迹象表明这个军队在东欧活动,为了查明真相,北约专案组匆匆部署到东欧,但所有的派遣队员几乎全被无情地杀死。这不是普通的敌人。  只有勇敢的调查员,海伦娜,一名调查战犯的女特工,为了查明线索而前往…
  • 电视剧
    Garret wants Talon to take the throne, while a mysterious assassin seeks revenge. Falista mourns for Tobin but hatches a new plan. Zed wants Wren to be High Priestess and uncovers a secret about her.
  • 综艺
    19个赛季,137名选手,这个收视长红的老牌真人节目已经伴随我们九年半。此番节目方召集20名玩得最精彩最富话题性的明星选手,在萨摩亚展开一场英雄对阵恶棍的终极较量。这些第二次甚至第三次参赛的选手究竟会选择报复还是救赎,而在这场正邪较量中笑到最后的究竟会是勇气荣誉还是智谋诈欺。敬请一起关注 Survivor:Heroes vs Villain…