- 灯红酒绿、歌舞升平的赌场大厅内,摆放着许多待价而沽的奢侈品。粉红豹懒洋洋地趴在一张地毯上,这时它听到清洁工的脚步声,于是连忙起身躲在附近一张老虎皮内。清洁工完全没有注意到这个不速之客,他无动于衷地清扫大厅,趁人不注意将垃圾扫进老虎的嘴里,谁知刚一转身垃圾就被吐了出来。如是再三,清洁工十分生气,拿起猎枪冲向老虎皮,结果却…
- After her boyfriend's death, a successful executive finds some unfinished scripts in the dead man's computer, and decides to make a film of them. Her relationship with the world of movie-making is going to change her life.
- Starting from the 3 young men from Pondok Pesantren Al-Hakim Jogjakarta namely, Huda (Nicholas), Rian (Yoga Pratama) and Delta (Yoga Good) who has a love for each other. Huda wants to find his mother who left it since childhood, with the assistance of village singers who ever lived in Jakarta, Dona Satellite (Dian Sast…
- Fable about the financial and social ascension of a black man in a small town, in the interior of the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil, and his existential crisis when he begins to believe the world is going to end.