- The Apprentice Asia is an Asian reality game show in which a group of aspiring young businessmen and businesswomen compete for the chance to work with the Malaysian entrepreneur Tony Fernandes, who also serves as the host of the show. Dubbed as “The World’s Toughest Job Interview,” the show is the Asian version of the …
- Lord Sugar puts twelve tycoons of tomorrow, aged between 16 and 17, through their paces as they each compete to win a 25,000 pound fund that will be tailor-made to kick-start their business career.
- A celebrity version of the series is expected to air on the Nine Network on 24 October 2011
- The six-week competition has the candidates, all aged between 16 and 17, battling it out through a series of gruelling tasks in the hope to become the first ever Junior Apprentice. The winner will be awarded access to a fund worth £25,000, which will go towards his or her business career and will be personalised to the…