搜索 Press

  • 电影生活
    目前世界上有许多国家的民主从内部遭受迫害,在某些国家,民主甚至遭到千刀万剐而在垂死之中。在亚洲的菲律宾,新闻人玛莉亚瑞萨(Maria Ressa)带领新闻平台拉普勒团队(Rappler)一同捍卫民主,对抗以暴制暴的杜特蒂总统(Duterte)。在他掀起的毒品战争里,成千上万人命丧特别行动队之手,国家陷入杜特蒂的独裁统治中。玛莉亚是这场不公不义…
  • 电影悬疑
  • Ros Tyler wakes from a drugged sleep to find that her flatmate is dead and she herself has been viciously sexually assaulted. She has also suffered acute memory loss and has no recollection of events of the previous night. The DI leading the investigation finds himself falling for Ros and becomes convinced of the kille…
  • 本片是关于英国70年代著名的足球流氓、西汉姆联队Inter City组织的领导之一的卡斯·潘内特(Cass Pennant)的传记电影,讲述这位被英国家庭收养的牙买加男孩成长过程中不断受到种族歧视的不公正对待,并最终学会了使用暴力来赢得“尊重”的故事。
  • Pursuing her passion for sex and romance, Sue is forced to face the ugly truth about her sexual addiction when her marriage starts to fall apart.
  • In British India, a young prince must be taken to safey across rebel-held territory, and an old train is the only way to do it.
  • 电影战争
  • Anna and Adam, a young couple from Paris with Polish Jewish origins, leave for the first time of their lives in Poland. If Adam is not very excited about this trip, Anna is excited to discover the land that is also her grandmother's.
  • Primo, gifted with a good eye for production design, ventures into the working world with a great desire to succeed. Unprepared for the harsh realities of the real world, Primo experienced failure, heartbreak and regret in a series of unfortunate events. Life didn't turn out as he had expected: He wasted away, wallowin…
  • 电影喜剧