- Valerie Vestron, is looking for a vacation from her life. Her friends have a plan to get her out of the house and get her to a secluded cabin. They plan to throwback some beer, and unwind, ...
- Film star Jennifer Bond has everything a girl could want: looks, power, a dangerously sexy boyfriend - and an eternity in which to enjoy them. But as her 50th birthday draws near, Jennifer and her undead companions forge a trail mayhem to her hometown in search of the love of her life, unaware a recent victim is plotti…
- タカラトミーアーツとシンソフィアによるアーケードゲームを原作とした人気アイドルアニメ「プリティーリズム」のテレビシリーズ第3期「プリティーリズム・レインボーライブ」に登場した男性3人組ユニット「Over The Rainbow」を主人公に描く劇場版。人気、実力ともに男子プリズムショー界でトップクラスの実力となったコウジ、ヒロ、カヅキの3…
- 《Unpretty Rap Star》是一档新的嘻哈综艺节目。该节目是去年受到各界关注的《Show Me The Money》的后续节目,同时也是韩国国内首次制作的女饶舌歌手的节目,届时会有8名实力坚强的女饶舌歌手来参加,展开激烈的竞争。