- Kirpaan.. the sword of honour' is a family drama with various elements like patriotism, loss of identity among the young generation of today, family values, family honour, purpose in life, friendship and love. It is the story of the personal journey of the character Beeru - a young college going lad of Punjab living a …
- Dan Harmon创作废柴之前,那还是2007年。他和Rob Schrab合作在VH1有线电视台创作推出了一档叫做“Acceptable.TV”的节目,每周一集,每集都由他们制作的五个迷你剧或迷你动画组成...
- In one apartment building live a heartbroken man, an online gambling addict, an alcoholic kleptomaniac, and an anxious loner.
- For a year, BBC cameras have filmed the Prince of Wales at home, abroad, at work and on duty. Now, for the first time, we can see and hear for ourselves the private and passionate man behind the controversy and the headlines.As the Prince of Wales turns 60, he's defied convention to become one of Britain's most outspok…
- 首先,第1个故事名为《南瓜王国的宝物(原名:パンプキン王国のたからもの)》。讲述光之美少女为了拯救被抓走的公主殿下而英勇奋战的故事。动画的形式与迄今为止的《光之美少女》一样,都是赛璐珞动画。监督为座古明史,剧本为秋之樱子,角色设定兼总作画监督为香川久。 然后,第2个故事名为《光之美少女与蕾菲的精彩一夜(原名:プリキュアと…
- 『6HP(シックスハートプリンセス)』キャラクターデザイン・作画監督: mebaeCGアニメーション監督: 三浦武蔵(STUDIO PONCOTAN)編集: 野々市谷有美制作: STUDIO PONCOTAN企画・原案・監督: 村上隆