搜索 Puk

  • Rajko Grlic was born in Zagreb, 1947. Studied directing at the FAMU Film Academy in Prague. He has co-written and directed 10 films, including Kud puklo da puklo (If It Kills Me, 1975), Bravo Maestro (1978), Samo jednom se ljubi (You Love Only Once, 1981), Za srecu je protebno troje (Three for Happiness, 1987), That su…
  • In a small province in Thailand, Nop and Dao live with painful memories from the past. Each has lost a parent, Nop, his father, and Dao, her mother. Coincidentally, they are great fans of a radio show. As one hears the other talk on air about the lost of a parent, they realize that they should meet. The date and time a…
  • 改编自普契尼伟大的抒情悲剧《蝴蝶夫人》,该剧以日本为背景,叙述女主人公小竹与外国军官奥拉夫顿结婚后空守闺房,等来的却是背弃,小竹最后切腹自杀了结尘缘。
  • 电影
    一个巨大又发亮的冰山逐渐呈现了;一条河流蜿蜓的流冰冻的山谷,四周的陡直的群山;一道彩虹由山边划过。Inuit说:“我叫Adamie Inukpuk”,“我已经在这里住5000年了。”他是传说中深植我们心中的Nanook的孙子。Adamie会引导你,领略有关这片土地的传统和文化。让你就像迁徙的驯鹿,透过宽广的视野欣赏丰富的景致,并如身临其境般的经历崎岖不…
  • 异装动作喜剧片《铁鸡谍网种情花》,以浓郁的怀旧气氛回顾了泰国电影在60年代的“黄金时期”,也是一部向当时的巨星搭档米特·柴本查(Mitr Chaibancha)和派查瑞·朝娃拉特(Petchara Chaowarat)的致敬之作。话说在当今曼谷,有个看来其貌不扬的中年汉,谁知道他会摇身一变,成为美艳性感、行侠仗义的铁娘子。平日,他是普通得不能再普通的光…