- Ching Roi Ching Lan (Thai: ชิงร้อยชิงล้าน), also known as Ching 100 Ching 1,000,000, is a Thai game show. It was first introduced in 1990. It is one of the most popular game shows in Thailand and has survived on screen until now. The…
- K-pop boy band B.A.P go “untact” and spend 4 days on the remote south Korean island of Nodo where they are literally uncontactable. Watch B.A.P complete missions to win their meals, and learn to adapt to island life.
- 33分钟侦探再次归来,虽然是被迫的。延续着前作的故事构造,五分钟就可以解决的案件却硬是被撑到了33分钟,不靠谱的侦探鞍马六郎(堂本刚 饰)的推理可谓语出惊人,他的智囊团们继续为他出谋划策,希望有幸猜中真正的凶手。再度归来的33分钟侦探鞍马六郎和他的助理武藤里佳子(水川麻美 饰)继续追踪着棘手案件,他们和警察大田原(高桥克实 饰…