- 故事的开始,苏橙因艺人方潇潇惨遭剧组弃用,痛失艺人助理工作。一边是不能再拖欠的房租,一边是一心向往的演艺圈。苏橙从小深受舞台影响,玩耍最多的地方就是剧场后台。“再来一遍”是她一直践行的匠人精神。本科毕业后,苏橙就开始辗转奔波在剧组之间,好不容易得到的艺人助理工作,还有一次次的替身戏机会,苏橙高兴万分,却被段承轩的作弄而…
- This heartwarming drama is about a young actor Lyokha and his volunteer work at a charity that supports people with disabilities . Getting closer to the group he is assigned, the hero finds a common language with them and discovers answers to his questions, helping people close to him to look at life from another persp…
- 分为"Perfect Match 天生一对"(Muk-Push), "Pity Girl 可怜女孩"(Mouse-Nicky-Neen), "Don"t 不要"(Mild-Mek-Victor) , "Boy"s Paradise 男孩天堂"(Sean-Esther) 四个故事组成, 讲述青年男女之间的恋爱故...#分为"Perfect Match 天生一…