- Ted is straight. Martin isn't. When they meet at Eddie's wedding a*nd become friends, the ensuing confusion shows how little they all know about being modern day men a*nd how much they know about being there for each other.泰德是个直男,马丁不是。当他们在艾迪的婚宴上碰头并成为朋友之后,接踵而来的混乱生活显示了他们对于如何做一个现代新人类是多麽的知之甚少而对于如何为彼此付出是那么地义无反顾。直弯好基友 守护甜心 老…
- Scientist Kirk Hafner attempts to stop billionaire Robert Terrell from destroying the earth with his "weather creation" technology. Terrell's determination to manipulate the weather causes catastrophic weather conditions -- a combination of hurricanes, sandstorms, and drastic temperature changes that cause pa…
- 纪录片讲述《死侍》男星瑞安·雷诺兹和《费城永远阳光灿烂》男星罗伯·麦克伦尼来到英国北威尔士工人阶级小镇雷克斯汉姆,他们联手收购并接管了镇上历史悠久但陷入困境的足球俱乐部红龙队。然而瑞安和罗伯在足球方面并没有经验,从好莱坞到威尔士,从球场到更衣室,从前台到酒馆,这部一共5集的纪录片将追踪两人在足球俱乐部所有权方面的速成课…