一个西班牙马略卡的小镇,一个德国工人,一桩没人愿意谈起的案件,一份待勉强打理的工作。《我》讲的是一个人被控诉,但他认为自己对一切根本并不知情,他必须证明自己的无辜。而他越是要理清、要纠正整个误会,他就离真实又逼近了一步。终于,他抵达问题核心,那就是:他自己。 Un pueblo en Mallorca. Un nuevo trabajador…
An international gang pretends to have the means to destroy a small country in 30 seconds. The authorities have reason to believe this may be true, and the spying battle is on.
The Treasure revolves around three eras: the Pharaonic era, the Mamluk era and the first half of the 20th century. It discusses corruption and how some clerics have involved religion in politics in order to obtain high positions and gain power which they have abused over the ages.
Manuel is trying with no avail for her wife to get her memory back. Under these hard circumstances Manuel needs to ask himself if he can continue to take care of the women that, after all, loves him as the first day.