Lukas, a young farmer whose family is killed by savage raiders in the countryside, sets out on an epic quest for revenge, forming an unlikely trio with a majestic dragon and a swashbuckling, sword-fighting mercenary, Darius.
The search for the everlasting blue paint from Byzantine church murals turn into a sensual love story in which Europe meets the Balkans. based on a story by Milorad Paviæ, the internationally acclaimed author of "The Dictionary of the Khazars " Written by Vans
本片由前南著名女演员Mira Stupica主演,她被公认为20世纪南斯拉夫影史上最伟大的女演员,曾3次获得普拉电影节最佳女主角奖,一次德国电影杰出个人成就奖,2007年获南斯拉夫电影终身成就奖,在2000年Vecernje novosti杂志评选的20世纪南斯拉夫最佳男女演员的名单中她排在首位。The war wind has passed, leaving perm…