搜索 Rahman

  • Mamat is a native of Kelantan, Malaysia, but he had left Malaysia many years earlier to join his brother Lazim in South Thailand in order to continue making his living as a trainer of fighting bulls . The practice had been outlawed in Malaysia but continued in Thailand. Mamat lives with his wife and three daughters, th…
  • 男主角被派去报道有关部落人民遭受剥削的故事,他遇到了一位他认为是印度美丽缩影的女人。他为她拍摄的照片永远改变了他们的生活。
  • 富有的珠宝商拉杰·本穆萨娶了好几个妻子,似乎是三个妃子的好管家,除非他的第三任妻子侯达第三次被拒绝,侯达年轻而优雅。
  • 西班牙超现实主义大师萨尔瓦多·达利(Salvador Dali)与动画娱乐巨头沃尔特·迪斯尼(Walt Disney)在57年前合作的一部散失多年的动画片。影片围绕着一个女芭蕾舞者展开,是一个光明而又略带忧郁的故事,其中还描写了无私的爱。全片洋溢着浓烈的幽默色彩和达利 独有的超现实主义气息。
  • Morshedul Islam made his directorial debut with this movie, along with the ever so talented actor Ali Zaker. With just 32 minutes run time, you might not see some great memorable movie, but it certainly makes its stand in world Cinema. Agami is the story of hope, despair and the burden of human life. With the constant …
  • A political fable in which a village musician gets swept up in the market economy of big city Dhaka.----多伦多参赛片孟加拉国官方选送角逐奥斯卡最佳外语片
  • 性格内向的马立克住在家人给他留下的位于达卡的一栋大房子里,地产开发商为了建公寓,整天劝说他拆掉大房子,答应他公寓一旦捡起来,给他十套房子。
  • 凯西在各方面都符合克林顿的择偶标准,然而她只是克林顿幻想出来的一个人,他确信在现实生活中是不可能遇到这么适合自己的人的。与其继续发白日梦,还不如思考一下,在女孩们看来,他自己又会是个什么样的人。好像人们对他的各种优缺点都了解的一清二楚。可问题是他自己却看不到……
  • A love story in upper Egypt in the 30s. The path of love is blocked by restricted traditions and narrow-mindedness. A tragic price is paid for going against traditions.