- Jamshid, the son of Abbas Sakhai, has been living abroad for a number of years. He sends a message for his family who then decide to make a film depicting their lives and send it to Jamshid. Omid, the younger son of the family, rents a video camera and records images of members of the family as they talk directly into …
- 这是个精灵与人类结为伙伴共生的世界。 故事背景卡托瓦纳帝国,则是与邻国处于战争状态的大国。 少年伊库塔在外人眼中,一向是个爱睡午觉、游手好闲、性喜渔色的家伙,而这样的“懒惰鬼”正因为某些内情,不情不愿的准备参加高等军官甄试。 在当时,没有任何人预料到这样的他,日后竟摇身一变,成为帝国史上首屈一指的名将! 以身为军人的卓越才…
- Set in Vilnius, a modern city still in search for its relation to the past, three parallel stories with three average people marooned in a state of change, looking to the future with hope, but not letting go of constricting and reassuring fears of their past.